When I Got Lost...

Artwork that Guides and Empowers

Isabella Liu's unique artwork aims to guide individuals' emotional direction and empower them when they feel lost in life. Drawing inspiration from her own personal story, Liu creates a piece that encourages audiences to relate to her work and find inspiration in solidarity.

Isabella Liu, a talented designer, found herself deeply lost and vulnerable a few months ago. Seeking something to restore her faith and regain her strength, she delved into her early memories and emotions. This journey inspired her to create the artwork titled "When I Got Lost...".

Liu's artwork is a reflection of her belief in the essential similarities across people's emotional experiences. She combines stories, tales, and poems with her personal experiences to convey these emotions. The narrative approach she takes allows audiences to relate to her work and draw inspiration from the solidarity it represents.

"When I Got Lost..." is not just a piece of artwork to be admired in a museum; it is also intended to be worn as a necklace. Liu's intention is for individuals to carry the artwork with them, allowing it to guide their emotional direction and empower them in times of uncertainty.

The realization of this unique artwork involves various techniques such as enamelling, laser cutting, scoring, soldering, and applying cold connection techniques. Liu also utilizes her skill in tea bag dying color to add depth and dimension to the piece. The materials used include copper, brass, antique books, enamel, and acrylic.

The dimensions of "When I Got Lost..." are 12cm x 9cm x 51cm, making it a substantial and impactful piece of artwork.

Isabella Liu's creative process involved significant research and conversations with 60 individuals from different backgrounds. Through these interviews, she explored what encourages people to be strong and faithful. She also drew inspiration from objects that guide people's direction, such as maps, telescopes, and compasses.

The project started in May 2013 in Birmingham, UK, and was completed in July 2013. "When I Got Lost..." was exhibited at the Barcelona JOYA Fair in October 2013, where it garnered attention and praise for its unique concept and emotional impact.

This exceptional artwork has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category in 2014. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements.

Isabella Liu's "When I Got Lost..." is not just a piece of artwork; it is a powerful symbol of resilience and empowerment. Through her unique approach and personal story, Liu invites audiences to connect with their own emotions and find strength in solidarity.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Isabella Liu
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Isabella Liu, When I Got Lost..., 2013. Image #2: Photographer Isabella Liu, When I Got Lost..., 2013. Image #3: Photographer Isabella Liu, When I Got Lost..., 2013. Image #4: Photographer Isabella Liu, When I Got Lost..., 2013. Image #5: Photographer Isabella Liu, When I Got Lost..., 2013.
Project Team Members: Isabella Liu
Project Name: When I Got Lost...
Project Client: Isabella Liu

When I Got Lost...  IMG #2
When I Got Lost...  IMG #3
When I Got Lost...  IMG #4
When I Got Lost...  IMG #5
When I Got Lost...  IMG #5

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